March 15, 2017 issue

Readers' Response

A Reverend's passionate plea
to 'save' Guyana

Dear Editor:
The constant news of disasters in our nation Guyana has become a frequent diarrhea pill for our political leaders, religious leaders, the Police Force and our Courts. Few Sundays ago at church, I was reliably informed by a church member that a man killed his wife and child and burnt himself alive with them at Beterverwagting. Then a week later a woman in Berbice was executed and a phone card vendor the same day; next, a young female bank clerk sped and crashed to her death and just a few days after a next young UG student crashed to his death and the long dismal list of disasters goes on and on.
The dismal news around us daily can ‘cut’ your appetite for months. The young people dying from suicides, children pornography in our schools, and the parking meter fiasco; that’s the hottest news around Georgetown and our nation.
It seems to me our people have become worse than savages. I asked the question: what kind of a man would hack his wife and one year daughter then burn them and himself to death. These animals have relatives who love and care for them too even though they have snuffed out the lives of others with their profound madness. What did he achieve?
What kind of brutish beast will shoot a woman point blank range to death in front her children just for some blood money?
What kind of a mother will send executioners to kill another woman like herself just because her husband was having an affair with her? What kind of school discipline do we have in our education system that allows students to manufacture pornography videos in our schools? And now we have the Mashramani, a vulgar and immoral cultural event on our nation’s calendar.
I also wish to ask what kind of lawyers will defend these cold blooded murders in court and put them back onto the streets to kill again. I wonder if one of these Attorneys’ sister, mother, brother, father, wives were to be killed by these criminals they represent if they still would have defended them.
I am beginning to realize that people in this county can do anything for money from the academic to the street criminals and money can even buy out our legal system. We have a flawed justice system.
Where is justice for our citizens of this country? Where is justice for a mother who, with four children to feed, lost her husband at the hands of criminals? Which Ministry will support her financially? We are faced with a very serious moral, political, and social problem in our country and it doesn’t bother our political leaders. This is a country with less than a million people and our crime rate statistics doubled that of larger countries with millions of people.
Our bad political economy helped to create these criminal elements; our jobs are zero-rated in Guyana. One estate at Wales is closed and more will be closed soon. The more unemployment the more crime will grow. Our past and current administration lacked the vision to lead this nation for the past 50 years. Our political leaders don’t have a proper plan to tackle this high crime situation in Guyana and our fast growing economic decline.
More and more taxes, and now this evil – the parking meters. The country is always begging for money, we have become a cursed nation all because of sin and evil. This nation is always in debt because our leaders lack a proper visionary plan to lead; our whole system of administration is sheer guess work. Our leaders have no real concern for our citizens; they seem very artificial in their speeches.
I have seen very poor family values in our country. In every six homes out of ten a father or mother is missing, who either deserted their children for a ‘’sweet woman or sweet man.’’ Moral and social issues have plagued this nation. The drug trade is rampant. From the young to the old want to get rich quick; our sense of morality and decency is gone out of our homes. Going to church is a pastime experience for our people and most go to church when they HATCH, MATCH OR DISPATCH.
Serving God and living a life of integrity and morality has become a thing of the past. People cuss anywhere; they behave like modern animals all over our nation. Hatred, fighting, envy, greed and murder have invaded our nation like a sudden tsunami. We have NO love and respect for each-other. We don’t even respect ourselves and the authority. Citizens curse police officers and persons in authority.
All of this evil comes from family breakdown in our nation. All this evil I see here is also a spiritual, moral, and demonic problem. We need a spiritual revival in this nation where our citizens will have the fear of God in their hearts and love for our fellow brothers and sisters.
Our men today disrespect our women thus they kill them publicly; not long ago a prison officer stabbed his wife to death at the mental institution in Berbice. People watched him kill her and didn’t render any assistance.
We have become like Cain in the Bible when God asked him where his brother Abel was; His reply: ‘Am I my brother’s keeper?’’ Human selfishness caused so many innocent women to be killed, the love of God died long ago from our hearts. It’s time all our political leaders come together for a month of fasting and prayer and introduce religious studies into all our academic institutions.
We are a Nation too young to die from lawlessness and immorality. WE NEED TO ARREST IT NOW.
Rev. Gideon Cecil via email

State has obligation to help
local industries
Dear Editor:
In the buildup to Carnival, a particular band that offered its players a coating of chocolate for a costume was given considerable publicity.
This band’s leaders were proud to promote the fact that all the chocolate used in its costumery was imported. In fact, it appeared to be a major selling point to its prospective clientele.
It appears to me that Trinidad has a vibrant cocoa industry and a budding chocolate industry. The sense that one has is that the chocolate industry is trying very hard to find a market in Trinidad.
Its efforts are meeting resistance of the very kind exemplified by the Carnival band referred to, where locals go abroad to find the very product that is so readily available locally while local producers struggle to find foreign markets.
The State owes an obligation to local producers, agriculturists and manufacturers to assist in bringing products and markets together, thus ensuring the viability of local enterprise, and encouraging small business owners to develop their products to world standards.
The benefits that would be derived from such support would contribute immensely to the country’s balance of payments problems.
Karan Mahabirsingh, Carapichaima, TT
Is justice being selective?
Dear Editor:
I am somewhat bemused by the justice system in Trinidad in respect of some court hearings.
It has become noticeable that several cases involving well-known, high-profile criminals are repeatedly being postponed. Some take several months before a verdict is reached.
On the other hand, a crime of similar nature by the “small man” can be heard and punishment administered within days of the offence without any postponement.
These long delays should be investigated as usually in the end the defendant ends up as the victor, and despite having committed a serious offence walks free or is awarded compensation etc.
GA Marques via email
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