December 21, 2016 issue

Greater Toronto

Wintry weather fails to dampen
seniors' spirit
At the ICGAA Annual Christmas party last Sunday, Santa and Mrs Claus pose with some of the 200 seniors who gathered to celebrate the festivities. Photo by Nandini Daljit
By Nandini Daljit
Despite the snow-lined roads and cooler temperatures the warmth of 200 Indo-Caribbean seniors brought out the sunshine for their annual Christmas party. This year is the twenty-fourth Christmas party for the Golden Age group.
A multi-faith organization, the Indo Caribbean Golden Age Association (ICGAA) seniors set the example with an opening of interfaith prayers. A meet-and-greet over traditional Caribbean appetizers then started the festivities. This gave the seniors some much needed time to table hop, visiting long lasting friends, catching up on new and reminiscing on treasured memories.
Traditional Christmas carols were sung followed by an interlude of folk songs from childhoods past. Music was supplied by the popular musician David Singh accompanied by singers Angie Pitamber, Patrick George and Johnny Gani along with some of the seniors. As with all ICGAA events the monthly birthday cake was cut to celebrate those who had birthdays the previous month. There was an impressive representation from the seventy, eighty and ninety year-young celebrants.
The warmth of friendship and camaraderie amongst these seniors lit up the room as well as the hearts of all. With thanks to the organizers, musicians and a multitude of young, dedicated volunteers, the seniors were joined by Santa to wish all a Merry Christmas,
ICGAA will be celebrating its 25th anniversary on 7th May 2017 at the Peter & Paul Banquet Hall in Scarborough. For more info about this event you may contact Marilyn Sukhnandan (416-412-1770) or (Shaw Jaundoo 905-426-2424).
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