September 7, 2011 issue

Readers' Response

Guyexpo should be taken to
the next level

Dear Editor:
Please permit me space to comment on Guyexpo which is being (mis/micro)-managed by Hon. Minister of Tourism, Industry & Commerce. Guyexpo. Guyexpo is now touted to be Guyana's and the Caribbean's premier trade fair and exposition. Sometime ago it was promoted as the Caribbean's largest. Are these claims really true?
The Minister of Tourism, Industry and Commerce needs to attend other regional expos in Jamaica, Trinidad, Suriname and Dominican Republic to learn about expos and trade fairs and then figure out if he will shout or shut up about Guyexpo being the premier trade fair of the Caribbean.
At the moment Guyexpo is being publicly advertized on billboards and by official Guyexpo letterheads for Sept 29 - Oct 4. This is misleading since sponsorship letters and Guyexpo Magazine ad solicitation letters indicate that Guyexpo is to be held from Sept 29 - Oct 2, 2011. This is a shame for a National Expo.
Mr. Minister, the golden rule is to always get your event dates right for a 'premier expo' and please let the business community know at least four to six months in advance so that we can plan and budget for this expo. Why is Guyexpo being silently organized as if it's a secret or as if it is really not going to happen?
As a matter of fact, Guyexpo has not been officially launched to inform the public and serious businesses about what Guyexpo 'promises' to be this year, if it will be held at all.
Well, my expectations are that Guyexpo will be better than Femination, Berbice Expo and building expo in class, style, quality, focus, appearance, organization, exhibits, safety and crowd control.
Building Expo had a focus. As a businessman I wish that Guyexpo could be more focused on its original purpose to promote Guyana and its entrepreneurs rather than to promote the products of Trinidad, Suriname, India, USA, China, Japan, etc.
And whatever has happened to the tourism sector's presence at Guyexpo. Why aren't THAG members out there showcasing Guyana's beauty and encouraging and promoting tours? The Ministry of Tourism doesn't sell anything, so why not have the private sector tourism businesses at Guyexpo? Guyexpo is more of a consumer and sales show with a lot of noise, heat, litter, confusion, cramped spaces, pick pockets, traffic confusion and congestion, ticket sales confusion, vendors, sloppy exhibits and stands and stinky toilets.
Guyexpo is a lime with heavy focus on alcohol sales and drinking, partying and music. What an expo!
Where is the space for businesses to conduct business, to network with other businesses, to sign deals, etc? How will we improve Guyana's growth and competitiveness when foreign buyers and markets are not invited or present at Guyexpo?
The theme is a joke and I hope that Guyanese businesses, entrepreneurs and all those who visit Guyexpo will learn and arm themselves with the knowledge of how we can 'enhance growth through competitiveness'.
My company will want to register for the seminars and workshops on how to enhance growth through competitiveness and at least to go away with a few tips on how to compete and plans the Ministry of Tourism has to make our businesses more competitive. Please pre-sell tickets and avoid all the confusion and sweat and wasted time. This is 2011…learn from Hits and Jams and pre-sell tickets. Booth space is ridiculously priced and small.
What are the Minister and the Government doing with the millions they get from ticket sales, booth space and sponsorship? Why cram 100 booths in a small area and have narrow passageways for visitors? Have bigger space for exhibitors. Improve the quality of exhibitors. Let Guyexpo showcase the best quality locally produced goods and services.
Agriculture, Forestry, Mining, Tourism, Manufacturing and Craft production should feature prominently. Guyexpo should be trade or business oriented – invite and host large trade delegations from the Caribbean and South America so that buyers can be in contact with sellers and Guyana's competitiveness and exports could increase and improve.
There was a large delegation from Trinidad at Building Expo. Announce Guyexpo 2012 early so that businesses and foreign markets can plan and budget. Like your colleague, Minister Irfan Alli, tout wide aisles and space and quality, impressive exhibits and displays. Take Guyexpo to the next level. You are late now as always.
Surely, a country cannot organize its national expo like this. It's a disgrace. It is best for the Private Sector Commission, Guyana Manufacturers Association and the Chambers of Commerce to organize Guyexpo rather than the Ministry of Tourism, Industry & Commerce.
Mr. Minister, go to expos and learn and make Guyexpo better. What physical and infrastructural improvements have been made to the Exhibition site over the years? The center should be on show all year. After all, it's an exhibition center.
What are the Guyexpo and National Exhibition Center staff doing all year? The Annex and Auditorium structures along with all the other exhibition space and facilities should be modernized and equipped with modern technology befitting a professional exhibition center. The general landscaping and maintenance of the compound is poor.
Mr. Minister, expos cannot be held at the last minute. Didn't you know one year ago that Guyexpo will be held in 2011? How can we 'enhance growth through competitiveness' when you cannot on a national scale plan for Guyexpo? I do hope that we can have an expo that will be the pride of Guyana and the Caribbean.
Jetendra Narine via email


A glaring omission at Jack Layton's funeral services

Dear Editor:
For over 20 years, I supported the New Democratic Party (NDP); then I drifted away because of the party's stance on public policy issues. Nevertheless, I was touched by the days of posthumous tributes for the federal leader, Jack Layton. Then, suddenly, his state funeral shunted me offside. Former Ontario NDP leader, Stephen Lewis, eulogized that Mr. Layton's signature attribute was 'inclusivity' so I am miffed about a glaring exclusion and effacing of my faith and culture. A hijab-dressed woman supposedly representing "Asian" peoples read from the Quran. If the NDP wanted to reflect diversity of religions and cultures, what happened to readings from Buddhist, Hindu, Sikh's, etc. scriptures given that these religions are indigenous (and Islam is not) to India/Asia and are mostly prevalent in Asia? Does the NDP also think that Chinese, Tibetans, and other peoples of Asian extract also subscribe to the Quran?
Secondly, Mr. Lewis ended his eulogy with a quote, proposed by feminist wife, Michele Landsberg, attributed to Indian "feminist and activist", Arundhati Roy. Does Lewis-Landsberg know, or care, that Ms. Roy is spouting sedition when she backs Kashmir secession from India? And, that she harshly criticized the very popular fasting Gandhian, Anna Hazare, against widespread corruption, bribery and graft by Indian functionaries?
Veda Nath Mohabir, Toronto


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